Syntax Syntax
Parameters Parameters
- $endoffset
- $version
- $length
Return Return
Source Source
File: wp-includes/ID3/module.tag.lyrics3.php
* @return bool */ public function getLyrics3Data($endoffset, $version, $length) { // $info = &$this->getid3->info; if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($endoffset)) { $this->warning('Unable to check for Lyrics3 because file is larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB'); return false; } $this->fseek($endoffset); if ($length <= 0) { return false; } $rawdata = $this->fread($length); $ParsedLyrics3 = array(); $ParsedLyrics3['raw']['lyrics3version'] = $version; $ParsedLyrics3['raw']['lyrics3tagsize'] = $length; $ParsedLyrics3['tag_offset_start'] = $endoffset; $ParsedLyrics3['tag_offset_end'] = $endoffset + $length - 1; if (substr($rawdata, 0, 11) != 'LYRICSBEGIN') { if (strpos($rawdata, 'LYRICSBEGIN') !== false) { $this->warning('"LYRICSBEGIN" expected at '.$endoffset.' but actually found at '.($endoffset + strpos($rawdata, 'LYRICSBEGIN')).' - this is invalid for Lyrics3 v'.$version); $info['avdataend'] = $endoffset + strpos($rawdata, 'LYRICSBEGIN'); $rawdata = substr($rawdata, strpos($rawdata, 'LYRICSBEGIN')); $length = strlen($rawdata); $ParsedLyrics3['tag_offset_start'] = $info['avdataend']; $ParsedLyrics3['raw']['lyrics3tagsize'] = $length; } else { $this->error('"LYRICSBEGIN" expected at '.$endoffset.' but found "'.substr($rawdata, 0, 11).'" instead'); return false; } } switch ($version) { case 1: if (substr($rawdata, strlen($rawdata) - 9, 9) == 'LYRICSEND') { $ParsedLyrics3['raw']['LYR'] = trim(substr($rawdata, 11, strlen($rawdata) - 11 - 9)); $this->Lyrics3LyricsTimestampParse($ParsedLyrics3); } else { $this->error('"LYRICSEND" expected at '.($this->ftell() - 11 + $length - 9).' but found "'.substr($rawdata, strlen($rawdata) - 9, 9).'" instead'); return false; } break; case 2: if (substr($rawdata, strlen($rawdata) - 9, 9) == 'LYRICS200') { $ParsedLyrics3['raw']['unparsed'] = substr($rawdata, 11, strlen($rawdata) - 11 - 9 - 6); // LYRICSBEGIN + LYRICS200 + LSZ $rawdata = $ParsedLyrics3['raw']['unparsed']; while (strlen($rawdata) > 0) { $fieldname = substr($rawdata, 0, 3); $fieldsize = (int) substr($rawdata, 3, 5); $ParsedLyrics3['raw'][$fieldname] = substr($rawdata, 8, $fieldsize); $rawdata = substr($rawdata, 3 + 5 + $fieldsize); } if (isset($ParsedLyrics3['raw']['IND'])) { $i = 0; $flagnames = array('lyrics', 'timestamps', 'inhibitrandom'); foreach ($flagnames as $flagname) { if (strlen($ParsedLyrics3['raw']['IND']) > $i++) { $ParsedLyrics3['flags'][$flagname] = $this->IntString2Bool(substr($ParsedLyrics3['raw']['IND'], $i, 1 - 1)); } } } $fieldnametranslation = array('ETT'=>'title', 'EAR'=>'artist', 'EAL'=>'album', 'INF'=>'comment', 'AUT'=>'author'); foreach ($fieldnametranslation as $key => $value) { if (isset($ParsedLyrics3['raw'][$key])) { $ParsedLyrics3['comments'][$value][] = trim($ParsedLyrics3['raw'][$key]); } } if (isset($ParsedLyrics3['raw']['IMG'])) { $imagestrings = explode("\r\n", $ParsedLyrics3['raw']['IMG']); foreach ($imagestrings as $key => $imagestring) { if (strpos($imagestring, '||') !== false) { $imagearray = explode('||', $imagestring); $ParsedLyrics3['images'][$key]['filename'] = (isset($imagearray[0]) ? $imagearray[0] : ''); $ParsedLyrics3['images'][$key]['description'] = (isset($imagearray[1]) ? $imagearray[1] : ''); $ParsedLyrics3['images'][$key]['timestamp'] = $this->Lyrics3Timestamp2Seconds(isset($imagearray[2]) ? $imagearray[2] : ''); } } } if (isset($ParsedLyrics3['raw']['LYR'])) { $this->Lyrics3LyricsTimestampParse($ParsedLyrics3); } } else { $this->error('"LYRICS200" expected at '.($this->ftell() - 11 + $length - 9).' but found "'.substr($rawdata, strlen($rawdata) - 9, 9).'" instead'); return false; } break; default: $this->error('Cannot process Lyrics3 version '.$version.' (only v1 and v2)'); return false; } if (isset($info['id3v1']['tag_offset_start']) && ($info['id3v1']['tag_offset_start'] <= $ParsedLyrics3['tag_offset_end'])) { $this->warning('ID3v1 tag information ignored since it appears to be a false synch in Lyrics3 tag data'); unset($info['id3v1']); foreach ($info['warning'] as $key => $value) { if ($value == 'Some ID3v1 fields do not use NULL characters for padding') { unset($info['warning'][$key]); sort($info['warning']); break; } } } $info['lyrics3'] = $ParsedLyrics3; return true;