Translates the default TinyMCE strings and returns them as JSON encoded object ready to be loaded with tinymce.addI18n(), or as JS snippet that should run after tinymce.js is loaded.
Force uncompressed TinyMCE when a custom theme has been defined.
Print (output) the main TinyMCE scripts.
Parse default arguments for the editor instance.
Outputs the HTML for a single instance of the editor.
Print (output) all editor scripts and default settings.
Returns the TinyMCE locale.
Returns the TinyMCE base URL.
Returns the default TinyMCE settings.
Translates the default TinyMCE strings and returns them as JSON encoded object ready to be loaded with tinymce.addI18n(), or as JS snippet that should run after tinymce.js is loaded.
Force uncompressed TinyMCE when a custom theme has been defined.