Fix Another update is currently in progress


Some times while updating the WordPress core version or updating bulk plugins we’ll get a notice:

Another update is currently in progress.

WordPress another update is currently in progress error describes itself.

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This notice occurs because WordPress locks the update process if the update process triggers multiple times.

The update class uses the method create_lock of the class WP_Upgrader to create a lock. E.g. WP_Upgrader::create_lock( 'LOCK_NAME', 'LOCK_TIME' );

Now there are two locks:

  • core_updater
  • auto_updater

Fix with WordPress Plugin Fix with WordPress Plugin

I have created a plugin “Fix Update in Process” which show all the existing update locks.

We can release all these locks with ONE click.

Fix Another update is currently in progress 1
Release Lock Screen

The WordPress plugin is available on Download the latest plugin from

See below screenshots to know how to use the “Fix Update in Process” plugin in action.

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Manually Delete Update Locks Manually Delete Update Locks

Lock core_updater Lock core_updater

Lock to prevent multiple Core Updates from occurring. Its release time is


It means that it takes 15 * 60 (seconds) = 900 seconds. It’s 15 minutes.

To release the lock you need to use the function WP_Upgrader::release_lock( 'core_updater' );

OR, Simply delete the below option to release the lock.

delete_option( 'core_updater.lock' )


Delete with WP CLI

 wp option delete core_updater.lock

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Lock auto_updater Lock auto_updater

Its release time is HOUR_IN_SECONDS (1 Hour). It’s the default release time.

To release the lock you need to use the function WP_Upgrader::release_lock( 'auto_updater' );

OR, Simply delete the below option to release the lock.

delete_option( 'auto_updater.lock' )


Delete with WP CLI

wp option delete auto_updater.lock

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