This documentation explains the structure and purpose of the unit test written for WordPress Avatar Block using Playwright.
Dependencies Dependencies
const { test, expect } = require( '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils-playwright' );
: Imported from WordPress E2E test utilities for Playwright to define tests and assertions.
Test Suite: Avatar
Test Suite: Avatar
test.describe( 'Avatar', () => {
test.describe( 'Avatar', () => {...} )
: Defines a test suite namedAvatar
Setup & Cleanup Setup & Cleanup
– Deletes All Users Before Tests beforeAll
– Deletes All Users Before Tests
test.beforeAll( async ( { requestUtils } ) => {
await requestUtils.deleteAllUsers();
} );
- Ensures that all existing users are deleted before the test starts to avoid conflicts.
– Creates a New User & Post Before Each Test beforeEach
– Creates a New User & Post Before Each Test
test.beforeEach( async ( { admin, requestUtils } ) => {
await requestUtils.createUser( {
username: 'user',
email: '',
firstName: 'Gravatar',
lastName: 'Gravatar',
roles: [ 'author' ],
password: 'gravatargravatar123magic',
} );
await admin.createNewPost();
} );
- Creates a new user with the given username, email, and role.
- Creates a new post to allow inserting blocks.
– Deletes All Users After Each Test afterEach
– Deletes All Users After Each Test
test.afterEach( async ( { requestUtils } ) => {
await requestUtils.deleteAllUsers();
} );
- Ensures users are deleted after each test run to maintain a clean test environment.
Test Case: Change Image When User Is Changed Test Case: Change Image When User Is Changed
test( 'should change image when user is changed', async ( { editor, page } ) => {
- Defines a test to check if the avatar image updates when a different user is selected.
Step 1: Insert Avatar Block Step 1: Insert Avatar Block
await editor.insertBlock( { name: 'core/avatar' } );
- Inserts the Avatar block into the post editor.
Step 2: Locate Avatar Block Step 2: Locate Avatar Block
const avatarBlock = editor.canvas.locator('role=document[name="Block: Avatar"i]');
const avatarImage = avatarBlock.locator('img');
await expect( avatarImage ).toBeVisible();
- Finds the Avatar block in the editor.
- Finds the image inside the Avatar block.
- Asserts that the image is visible.
Step 3: Store Original Avatar Image Source Step 3: Store Original Avatar Image Source
const originalSrc = await avatarImage.getAttribute( 'src' );
- Stores the original avatar image URL for later comparison.
Step 4: Open Block Settings Sidebar Step 4: Open Block Settings Sidebar
`role=region[name="Editor settings"i] >> role=tab[name="Settings"i]`
- Opens the block settings panel in the editor.
Step 5: Change User Selection Step 5: Change User Selection
const userInput = page.locator(
'role=region[name="Editor settings"i] >> role=combobox[name="User"i]'
const newUser = page.locator('role=option[name="Gravatar Gravatar"]');
- Finds the user selection dropdown.
- Selects the new user (Gravatar Gravatar).
Step 6: Verify Avatar Image Change Step 6: Verify Avatar Image Change
const updatedAvatarImage = avatarBlock.locator('img');
const newSrc = await updatedAvatarImage.getAttribute('src');
expect( newSrc ).not.toBe( originalSrc );
- Gets the updated avatar image URL.
- Asserts that the new image source is different from the original one.
Summary of Test Coverage Summary of Test Coverage
Test Step | Purpose |
beforeAll | Deletes all users before tests |
beforeEach | Creates a new user and post before each test |
afterEach | Cleans up users after each test |
Insert Avatar Block | Adds an Avatar block to the editor |
Check Original Avatar Image | Stores the initial avatar image URL |
Open Settings Panel | Ensures the settings panel is visible |
Change User | Selects a different user from the dropdown |
Verify Image Change | Checks if the avatar image updates after selecting a new user |
Conclusion Conclusion
This test ensures that the WordPress Avatar block correctly updates the user image when a different user is selected in the editor. The setup and teardown processes keep the test environment clean, ensuring reliable results.