Syntax Syntax
Return Return
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File: wp-includes/ID3/
* @return bool */ public function parseMETAdata() { $info = &$this->getid3->info; do { $BlockOffset = $this->ftell(); $BlockHeader = $this->fread(4); $LBFBT = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($BlockHeader, 0, 1)); // LBFBT = LastBlockFlag + BlockType $LastBlockFlag = (bool) ($LBFBT & 0x80); $BlockType = ($LBFBT & 0x7F); $BlockLength = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($BlockHeader, 1, 3)); $BlockTypeText = self::metaBlockTypeLookup($BlockType); if (($BlockOffset + 4 + $BlockLength) > $info['avdataend']) { $this->warning('METADATA_BLOCK_HEADER.BLOCK_TYPE ('.$BlockTypeText.') at offset '.$BlockOffset.' extends beyond end of file'); break; } if ($BlockLength < 1) { if ($BlockTypeText != 'reserved') { // probably supposed to be zero-length $this->warning('METADATA_BLOCK_HEADER.BLOCK_LENGTH ('.$BlockTypeText.') at offset '.$BlockOffset.' is zero bytes'); continue; } $this->error('METADATA_BLOCK_HEADER.BLOCK_LENGTH ('.$BlockLength.') at offset '.$BlockOffset.' is invalid'); break; } $info['flac'][$BlockTypeText]['raw'] = array(); $BlockTypeText_raw = &$info['flac'][$BlockTypeText]['raw']; $BlockTypeText_raw['offset'] = $BlockOffset; $BlockTypeText_raw['last_meta_block'] = $LastBlockFlag; $BlockTypeText_raw['block_type'] = $BlockType; $BlockTypeText_raw['block_type_text'] = $BlockTypeText; $BlockTypeText_raw['block_length'] = $BlockLength; if ($BlockTypeText_raw['block_type'] != 0x06) { // do not read attachment data automatically $BlockTypeText_raw['block_data'] = $this->fread($BlockLength); } switch ($BlockTypeText) { case 'STREAMINFO': // 0x00 if (!$this->parseSTREAMINFO($BlockTypeText_raw['block_data'])) { return false; } break; case 'PADDING': // 0x01 unset($info['flac']['PADDING']); // ignore break; case 'APPLICATION': // 0x02 if (!$this->parseAPPLICATION($BlockTypeText_raw['block_data'])) { return false; } break; case 'SEEKTABLE': // 0x03 if (!$this->parseSEEKTABLE($BlockTypeText_raw['block_data'])) { return false; } break; case 'VORBIS_COMMENT': // 0x04 if (!$this->parseVORBIS_COMMENT($BlockTypeText_raw['block_data'])) { return false; } break; case 'CUESHEET': // 0x05 if (!$this->parseCUESHEET($BlockTypeText_raw['block_data'])) { return false; } break; case 'PICTURE': // 0x06 if (!$this->parsePICTURE()) { return false; } break; default: $this->warning('Unhandled METADATA_BLOCK_HEADER.BLOCK_TYPE ('.$BlockType.') at offset '.$BlockOffset); } unset($info['flac'][$BlockTypeText]['raw']); $info['avdataoffset'] = $this->ftell(); } while ($LastBlockFlag === false); // handle tags if (!empty($info['flac']['VORBIS_COMMENT']['comments'])) { $info['flac']['comments'] = $info['flac']['VORBIS_COMMENT']['comments']; } if (!empty($info['flac']['VORBIS_COMMENT']['vendor'])) { $info['audio']['encoder'] = str_replace('reference ', '', $info['flac']['VORBIS_COMMENT']['vendor']); } // copy attachments to 'comments' array if nesesary if (isset($info['flac']['PICTURE']) && ($this->getid3->option_save_attachments !== getID3::ATTACHMENTS_NONE)) { foreach ($info['flac']['PICTURE'] as $entry) { if (!empty($entry['data'])) { if (!isset($info['flac']['comments']['picture'])) { $info['flac']['comments']['picture'] = array(); } $comments_picture_data = array(); foreach (array('data', 'image_mime', 'image_width', 'image_height', 'imagetype', 'picturetype', 'description', 'datalength') as $picture_key) { if (isset($entry[$picture_key])) { $comments_picture_data[$picture_key] = $entry[$picture_key]; } } $info['flac']['comments']['picture'][] = $comments_picture_data; unset($comments_picture_data); } } } if (isset($info['flac']['STREAMINFO'])) { if (!$this->isDependencyFor('matroska')) { $info['flac']['compressed_audio_bytes'] = $info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']; } $info['flac']['uncompressed_audio_bytes'] = $info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['samples_stream'] * $info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['channels'] * ($info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['bits_per_sample'] / 8); if ($info['flac']['uncompressed_audio_bytes'] == 0) { return $this->error('Corrupt FLAC file: uncompressed_audio_bytes == zero'); } if (!empty($info['flac']['compressed_audio_bytes'])) { $info['flac']['compression_ratio'] = $info['flac']['compressed_audio_bytes'] / $info['flac']['uncompressed_audio_bytes']; } } // set md5_data_source - built into flac 0.5+ if (isset($info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['audio_signature'])) { if ($info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['audio_signature'] === str_repeat("\x00", 16)) { $this->warning('FLAC STREAMINFO.audio_signature is null (known issue with libOggFLAC)'); } else { $info['md5_data_source'] = ''; $md5 = $info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['audio_signature']; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($md5); $i++) { $info['md5_data_source'] .= str_pad(dechex(ord($md5[$i])), 2, '00', STR_PAD_LEFT); } if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/', $info['md5_data_source'])) { unset($info['md5_data_source']); } } } if (isset($info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['bits_per_sample'])) { $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['bits_per_sample']; if ($info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] == 8) { // special case // must invert sign bit on all data bytes before MD5'ing to match FLAC's calculated value // MD5sum calculates on unsigned bytes, but FLAC calculated MD5 on 8-bit audio data as signed $this->warning('FLAC calculates MD5 data strangely on 8-bit audio, so the stored md5_data_source value will not match the decoded WAV file'); } }