

Summery Summery

Convert a binary string into a hexadecimal string without cache-timing leaks, returning uppercase letters (as per RFC 4648)

Syntax Syntax

ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::bin2hexUpper( string $bin_string )

Parameters Parameters


(Required) (raw binary)

Return Return


Source Source

File: wp-includes/sodium_compat/src/Core/Util.php

    public static function bin2hexUpper($bin_string)
        $hex = '';
        $len = self::strlen($bin_string);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
            /** @var array<int, int> $chunk */
            $chunk = unpack('C', $bin_string[$i]);
             * Lower 16 bits
             * @var int $c
            $c = $chunk[1] & 0xf;

             * Upper 16 bits
             * @var int $b
            $b = $chunk[1] >> 4;

             * Use pack() and binary operators to turn the two integers
             * into hexadecimal characters. We don't use chr() here, because
             * it uses a lookup table internally and we want to avoid
             * cache-timing side-channels.
            $hex .= pack(
                (55 + $b + ((($b - 10) >> 8) & ~6)),
                (55 + $c + ((($c - 10) >> 8) & ~6))
        return $hex;



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