

Syntax Syntax

PclZip::privAddFileUsingTempFile( $p_filedescr,  $p_header,  $p_options )

Source Source

File: wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php

  function privAddFileUsingTempFile($p_filedescr, &$p_header, &$p_options)

    // ----- Working variable
    $p_filename = $p_filedescr['filename'];

    // ----- Open the source file
    if (($v_file = @fopen($p_filename, "rb")) == 0) {
      PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL, "Unable to open file '$p_filename' in binary read mode");
      return PclZip::errorCode();

    // ----- Creates a compressed temporary file
    $v_gzip_temp_name = PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR.uniqid('pclzip-').'.gz';
    if (($v_file_compressed = @gzopen($v_gzip_temp_name, "wb")) == 0) {
      PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_WRITE_OPEN_FAIL, 'Unable to open temporary file \''.$v_gzip_temp_name.'\' in binary write mode');
      return PclZip::errorCode();

    // ----- Read the file by PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE octets blocks
    $v_size = filesize($p_filename);
    while ($v_size != 0) {
      $v_read_size = ($v_size < PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE ? $v_size : PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE);
      $v_buffer = @fread($v_file, $v_read_size);
      //$v_binary_data = pack('a'.$v_read_size, $v_buffer);
      @gzputs($v_file_compressed, $v_buffer, $v_read_size);
      $v_size -= $v_read_size;

    // ----- Close the file

    // ----- Check the minimum file size
    if (filesize($v_gzip_temp_name) < 18) {
      PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT, 'gzip temporary file \''.$v_gzip_temp_name.'\' has invalid filesize - should be minimum 18 bytes');
      return PclZip::errorCode();

    // ----- Extract the compressed attributes
    if (($v_file_compressed = @fopen($v_gzip_temp_name, "rb")) == 0) {
      PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL, 'Unable to open temporary file \''.$v_gzip_temp_name.'\' in binary read mode');
      return PclZip::errorCode();

    // ----- Read the gzip file header
    $v_binary_data = @fread($v_file_compressed, 10);
    $v_data_header = unpack('a1id1/a1id2/a1cm/a1flag/Vmtime/a1xfl/a1os', $v_binary_data);

    // ----- Check some parameters
    $v_data_header['os'] = bin2hex($v_data_header['os']);

    // ----- Read the gzip file footer
    @fseek($v_file_compressed, filesize($v_gzip_temp_name)-8);
    $v_binary_data = @fread($v_file_compressed, 8);
    $v_data_footer = unpack('Vcrc/Vcompressed_size', $v_binary_data);

    // ----- Set the attributes
    $p_header['compression'] = ord($v_data_header['cm']);
    //$p_header['mtime'] = $v_data_header['mtime'];
    $p_header['crc'] = $v_data_footer['crc'];
    $p_header['compressed_size'] = filesize($v_gzip_temp_name)-18;

    // ----- Close the file

    // ----- Call the header generation
    if (($v_result = $this->privWriteFileHeader($p_header)) != 1) {
      return $v_result;

    // ----- Add the compressed data
    if (($v_file_compressed = @fopen($v_gzip_temp_name, "rb")) == 0)
      PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL, 'Unable to open temporary file \''.$v_gzip_temp_name.'\' in binary read mode');
      return PclZip::errorCode();

    // ----- Read the file by PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE octets blocks
    fseek($v_file_compressed, 10);
    $v_size = $p_header['compressed_size'];
    while ($v_size != 0)
      $v_read_size = ($v_size < PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE ? $v_size : PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE);
      $v_buffer = @fread($v_file_compressed, $v_read_size);
      //$v_binary_data = pack('a'.$v_read_size, $v_buffer);
      @fwrite($this->zip_fd, $v_buffer, $v_read_size);
      $v_size -= $v_read_size;

    // ----- Close the file

    // ----- Unlink the temporary file

    // ----- Return
    return $v_result;



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