

Summery Summery

Given a block structure from memory pushes a new block to the output list.

Syntax Syntax

WP_Block_Parser::add_inner_block( WP_Block_Parser_Block $block, int $token_start, int $token_length, int|null $last_offset = null )

Parameters Parameters


(Required) The block to add to the output.


(Required) Byte offset into the document where the first token for the block starts.


(Required) Byte length of entire block from start of opening token to end of closing token.


(Optional) Last byte offset into document if continuing form earlier output.

Default value: null

Source Source

File: wp-includes/class-wp-block-parser.php

	function add_inner_block( WP_Block_Parser_Block $block, $token_start, $token_length, $last_offset = null ) {
		$parent                       = $this->stack[ count( $this->stack ) - 1 ];
		$parent->block->innerBlocks[] = (array) $block;
		$html                         = substr( $this->document, $parent->prev_offset, $token_start - $parent->prev_offset );

		if ( ! empty( $html ) ) {
			$parent->block->innerHTML     .= $html;
			$parent->block->innerContent[] = $html;

		$parent->block->innerContent[] = null;
		$parent->prev_offset           = $last_offset ? $last_offset : $token_start + $token_length;


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.8.0 Introduced.


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