

Summery Summery

Generates rewrite rules from a permalink structure.

Syntax Syntax

WP_Rewrite::generate_rewrite_rules( string $permalink_structure, int $ep_mask = EP_NONE, bool $paged = true, bool $feed = true, bool $forcomments = false, bool $walk_dirs = true, bool $endpoints = true )

Description Description

The main WP_Rewrite function for building the rewrite rule list. The contents of the function is a mix of black magic and regular expressions, so best just ignore the contents and move to the parameters.

Parameters Parameters


(Required) The permalink structure.


(Optional) Endpoint mask defining what endpoints are added to the structure. Accepts EP_NONE, EP_PERMALINK, EP_ATTACHMENT, EP_DATE, EP_YEAR, EP_MONTH, EP_DAY, EP_ROOT, EP_COMMENTS, EP_SEARCH, EP_CATEGORIES, EP_TAGS, EP_AUTHORS, EP_PAGES, EP_ALL_ARCHIVES, and EP_ALL. Default EP_NONE.

Default value: EP_NONE


(Optional) Whether archive pagination rules should be added for the structure.

Default value: true


(Optional) Whether feed rewrite rules should be added for the structure.

Default value: true


(Optional) Whether the feed rules should be a query for a comments feed.

Default value: false


(Optional) Whether the 'directories' making up the structure should be walked over and rewrite rules built for each in-turn.

Default value: true


(Optional) Whether endpoints should be applied to the generated rewrite rules.

Default value: true

Return Return

(string[]) Array of rewrite rules keyed by their regex pattern.

Source Source

File: wp-includes/class-wp-rewrite.php

	public function generate_rewrite_rules( $permalink_structure, $ep_mask = EP_NONE, $paged = true, $feed = true, $forcomments = false, $walk_dirs = true, $endpoints = true ) {
		// Build a regex to match the feed section of URLs, something like (feed|atom|rss|rss2)/?
		$feedregex2 = '';
		foreach ( (array) $this->feeds as $feed_name ) {
			$feedregex2 .= $feed_name . '|';
		$feedregex2 = '(' . trim( $feedregex2, '|' ) . ')/?$';

		 * $feedregex is identical but with /feed/ added on as well, so URLs like <permalink>/feed/atom
		 * and <permalink>/atom are both possible
		$feedregex = $this->feed_base . '/' . $feedregex2;

		// Build a regex to match the trackback and page/xx parts of URLs.
		$trackbackregex = 'trackback/?$';
		$pageregex      = $this->pagination_base . '/?([0-9]{1,})/?$';
		$commentregex   = $this->comments_pagination_base . '-([0-9]{1,})/?$';
		$embedregex     = 'embed/?$';

		// Build up an array of endpoint regexes to append => queries to append.
		if ( $endpoints ) {
			$ep_query_append = array();
			foreach ( (array) $this->endpoints as $endpoint ) {
				// Match everything after the endpoint name, but allow for nothing to appear there.
				$epmatch = $endpoint[1] . '(/(.*))?/?$';

				// This will be appended on to the rest of the query for each dir.
				$epquery                     = '&' . $endpoint[2] . '=';
				$ep_query_append[ $epmatch ] = array( $endpoint[0], $epquery );

		// Get everything up to the first rewrite tag.
		$front = substr( $permalink_structure, 0, strpos( $permalink_structure, '%' ) );

		// Build an array of the tags (note that said array ends up being in $tokens[0]).
		preg_match_all( '/%.+?%/', $permalink_structure, $tokens );

		$num_tokens = count( $tokens[0] );

		$index          = $this->index; // Probably 'index.php'.
		$feedindex      = $index;
		$trackbackindex = $index;
		$embedindex     = $index;

		 * Build a list from the rewritecode and queryreplace arrays, that will look something
		 * like tagname=$matches[i] where i is the current $i.
		$queries = array();
		for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i ) {
			if ( 0 < $i ) {
				$queries[ $i ] = $queries[ $i - 1 ] . '&';
			} else {
				$queries[ $i ] = '';

			$query_token    = str_replace( $this->rewritecode, $this->queryreplace, $tokens[0][ $i ] ) . $this->preg_index( $i + 1 );
			$queries[ $i ] .= $query_token;

		// Get the structure, minus any cruft (stuff that isn't tags) at the front.
		$structure = $permalink_structure;
		if ( '/' !== $front ) {
			$structure = str_replace( $front, '', $structure );

		 * Create a list of dirs to walk over, making rewrite rules for each level
		 * so for example, a $structure of /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname% would create
		 * rewrite rules for /%year%/, /%year%/%monthnum%/ and /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%
		$structure = trim( $structure, '/' );
		$dirs      = $walk_dirs ? explode( '/', $structure ) : array( $structure );
		$num_dirs  = count( $dirs );

		// Strip slashes from the front of $front.
		$front = preg_replace( '|^/+|', '', $front );

		// The main workhorse loop.
		$post_rewrite = array();
		$struct       = $front;
		for ( $j = 0; $j < $num_dirs; ++$j ) {
			// Get the struct for this dir, and trim slashes off the front.
			$struct .= $dirs[ $j ] . '/'; // Accumulate. see comment near explode('/', $structure) above.
			$struct  = ltrim( $struct, '/' );

			// Replace tags with regexes.
			$match = str_replace( $this->rewritecode, $this->rewritereplace, $struct );

			// Make a list of tags, and store how many there are in $num_toks.
			$num_toks = preg_match_all( '/%.+?%/', $struct, $toks );

			// Get the 'tagname=$matches[i]'.
			$query = ( ! empty( $num_toks ) && isset( $queries[ $num_toks - 1 ] ) ) ? $queries[ $num_toks - 1 ] : '';

			// Set up $ep_mask_specific which is used to match more specific URL types.
			switch ( $dirs[ $j ] ) {
				case '%year%':
					$ep_mask_specific = EP_YEAR;
				case '%monthnum%':
					$ep_mask_specific = EP_MONTH;
				case '%day%':
					$ep_mask_specific = EP_DAY;
					$ep_mask_specific = EP_NONE;

			// Create query for /page/xx.
			$pagematch = $match . $pageregex;
			$pagequery = $index . '?' . $query . '&paged=' . $this->preg_index( $num_toks + 1 );

			// Create query for /comment-page-xx.
			$commentmatch = $match . $commentregex;
			$commentquery = $index . '?' . $query . '&cpage=' . $this->preg_index( $num_toks + 1 );

			if ( get_option( 'page_on_front' ) ) {
				// Create query for Root /comment-page-xx.
				$rootcommentmatch = $match . $commentregex;
				$rootcommentquery = $index . '?' . $query . '&page_id=' . get_option( 'page_on_front' ) . '&cpage=' . $this->preg_index( $num_toks + 1 );

			// Create query for /feed/(feed|atom|rss|rss2|rdf).
			$feedmatch = $match . $feedregex;
			$feedquery = $feedindex . '?' . $query . '&feed=' . $this->preg_index( $num_toks + 1 );

			// Create query for /(feed|atom|rss|rss2|rdf) (see comment near creation of $feedregex).
			$feedmatch2 = $match . $feedregex2;
			$feedquery2 = $feedindex . '?' . $query . '&feed=' . $this->preg_index( $num_toks + 1 );

			// Create query and regex for embeds.
			$embedmatch = $match . $embedregex;
			$embedquery = $embedindex . '?' . $query . '&embed=true';

			// If asked to, turn the feed queries into comment feed ones.
			if ( $forcomments ) {
				$feedquery  .= '&withcomments=1';
				$feedquery2 .= '&withcomments=1';

			// Start creating the array of rewrites for this dir.
			$rewrite = array();

			// ...adding on /feed/ regexes => queries.
			if ( $feed ) {
				$rewrite = array(
					$feedmatch  => $feedquery,
					$feedmatch2 => $feedquery2,
					$embedmatch => $embedquery,

			// ...and /page/xx ones.
			if ( $paged ) {
				$rewrite = array_merge( $rewrite, array( $pagematch => $pagequery ) );

			// Only on pages with comments add ../comment-page-xx/.
			if ( EP_PAGES & $ep_mask || EP_PERMALINK & $ep_mask ) {
				$rewrite = array_merge( $rewrite, array( $commentmatch => $commentquery ) );
			} elseif ( EP_ROOT & $ep_mask && get_option( 'page_on_front' ) ) {
				$rewrite = array_merge( $rewrite, array( $rootcommentmatch => $rootcommentquery ) );

			// Do endpoints.
			if ( $endpoints ) {
				foreach ( (array) $ep_query_append as $regex => $ep ) {
					// Add the endpoints on if the mask fits.
					if ( $ep[0] & $ep_mask || $ep[0] & $ep_mask_specific ) {
						$rewrite[ $match . $regex ] = $index . '?' . $query . $ep[1] . $this->preg_index( $num_toks + 2 );

			// If we've got some tags in this dir.
			if ( $num_toks ) {
				$post = false;
				$page = false;

				 * Check to see if this dir is permalink-level: i.e. the structure specifies an
				 * individual post. Do this by checking it contains at least one of 1) post name,
				 * 2) post ID, 3) page name, 4) timestamp (year, month, day, hour, second and
				 * minute all present). Set these flags now as we need them for the endpoints.
				if ( strpos( $struct, '%postname%' ) !== false
						|| strpos( $struct, '%post_id%' ) !== false
						|| strpos( $struct, '%pagename%' ) !== false
						|| ( strpos( $struct, '%year%' ) !== false && strpos( $struct, '%monthnum%' ) !== false && strpos( $struct, '%day%' ) !== false && strpos( $struct, '%hour%' ) !== false && strpos( $struct, '%minute%' ) !== false && strpos( $struct, '%second%' ) !== false )
						) {
					$post = true;
					if ( strpos( $struct, '%pagename%' ) !== false ) {
						$page = true;

				if ( ! $post ) {
					// For custom post types, we need to add on endpoints as well.
					foreach ( get_post_types( array( '_builtin' => false ) ) as $ptype ) {
						if ( strpos( $struct, "%$ptype%" ) !== false ) {
							$post = true;

							// This is for page style attachment URLs.
							$page = is_post_type_hierarchical( $ptype );

				// If creating rules for a permalink, do all the endpoints like attachments etc.
				if ( $post ) {
					// Create query and regex for trackback.
					$trackbackmatch = $match . $trackbackregex;
					$trackbackquery = $trackbackindex . '?' . $query . '&tb=1';

					// Create query and regex for embeds.
					$embedmatch = $match . $embedregex;
					$embedquery = $embedindex . '?' . $query . '&embed=true';

					// Trim slashes from the end of the regex for this dir.
					$match = rtrim( $match, '/' );

					// Get rid of brackets.
					$submatchbase = str_replace( array( '(', ')' ), '', $match );

					// Add a rule for at attachments, which take the form of <permalink>/some-text.
					$sub1 = $submatchbase . '/([^/]+)/';

					// Add trackback regex <permalink>/trackback/...
					$sub1tb = $sub1 . $trackbackregex;

					// And <permalink>/feed/(atom|...)
					$sub1feed = $sub1 . $feedregex;

					// And <permalink>/(feed|atom...)
					$sub1feed2 = $sub1 . $feedregex2;

					// And <permalink>/comment-page-xx
					$sub1comment = $sub1 . $commentregex;

					// And <permalink>/embed/...
					$sub1embed = $sub1 . $embedregex;

					 * Add another rule to match attachments in the explicit form:
					 * <permalink>/attachment/some-text
					$sub2 = $submatchbase . '/attachment/([^/]+)/';

					// And add trackbacks <permalink>/attachment/trackback.
					$sub2tb = $sub2 . $trackbackregex;

					// Feeds, <permalink>/attachment/feed/(atom|...)
					$sub2feed = $sub2 . $feedregex;

					// And feeds again on to this <permalink>/attachment/(feed|atom...)
					$sub2feed2 = $sub2 . $feedregex2;

					// And <permalink>/comment-page-xx
					$sub2comment = $sub2 . $commentregex;

					// And <permalink>/embed/...
					$sub2embed = $sub2 . $embedregex;

					// Create queries for these extra tag-ons we've just dealt with.
					$subquery        = $index . '?attachment=' . $this->preg_index( 1 );
					$subtbquery      = $subquery . '&tb=1';
					$subfeedquery    = $subquery . '&feed=' . $this->preg_index( 2 );
					$subcommentquery = $subquery . '&cpage=' . $this->preg_index( 2 );
					$subembedquery   = $subquery . '&embed=true';

					// Do endpoints for attachments.
					if ( ! empty( $endpoints ) ) {
						foreach ( (array) $ep_query_append as $regex => $ep ) {
							if ( $ep[0] & EP_ATTACHMENT ) {
								$rewrite[ $sub1 . $regex ] = $subquery . $ep[1] . $this->preg_index( 3 );
								$rewrite[ $sub2 . $regex ] = $subquery . $ep[1] . $this->preg_index( 3 );

					 * Now we've finished with endpoints, finish off the $sub1 and $sub2 matches
					 * add a ? as we don't have to match that last slash, and finally a $ so we
					 * match to the end of the URL
					$sub1 .= '?$';
					$sub2 .= '?$';

					 * Post pagination, e.g. <permalink>/2/
					 * Previously: '(/[0-9]+)?/?$', which produced '/2' for page.
					 * When cast to int, returned 0.
					$match = $match . '(?:/([0-9]+))?/?$';
					$query = $index . '?' . $query . '&page=' . $this->preg_index( $num_toks + 1 );

					// Not matching a permalink so this is a lot simpler.
				} else {
					// Close the match and finalise the query.
					$match .= '?$';
					$query  = $index . '?' . $query;

				 * Create the final array for this dir by joining the $rewrite array (which currently
				 * only contains rules/queries for trackback, pages etc) to the main regex/query for
				 * this dir
				$rewrite = array_merge( $rewrite, array( $match => $query ) );

				// If we're matching a permalink, add those extras (attachments etc) on.
				if ( $post ) {
					// Add trackback.
					$rewrite = array_merge( array( $trackbackmatch => $trackbackquery ), $rewrite );

					// Add embed.
					$rewrite = array_merge( array( $embedmatch => $embedquery ), $rewrite );

					// Add regexes/queries for attachments, attachment trackbacks and so on.
					if ( ! $page ) {
						// Require <permalink>/attachment/stuff form for pages because of confusion with subpages.
						$rewrite = array_merge(
								$sub1        => $subquery,
								$sub1tb      => $subtbquery,
								$sub1feed    => $subfeedquery,
								$sub1feed2   => $subfeedquery,
								$sub1comment => $subcommentquery,
								$sub1embed   => $subembedquery,

					$rewrite = array_merge(
							$sub2        => $subquery,
							$sub2tb      => $subtbquery,
							$sub2feed    => $subfeedquery,
							$sub2feed2   => $subfeedquery,
							$sub2comment => $subcommentquery,
							$sub2embed   => $subembedquery,
			// Add the rules for this dir to the accumulating $post_rewrite.
			$post_rewrite = array_merge( $rewrite, $post_rewrite );

		// The finished rules. phew!
		return $post_rewrite;


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
1.5.0 Introduced.


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