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File: wp-includes/class-pop3.php
// port defaults to 110. Returns true on success, false on fail // If MAILSERVER is set, override $server with its value. if (!isset($port) || !$port) {$port = 110;} if(!empty($this->MAILSERVER)) $server = $this->MAILSERVER; if(empty($server)){ $this->ERROR = "POP3 connect: " . _("No server specified"); unset($this->FP); return false; } $fp = @fsockopen("$server", $port, $errno, $errstr); if(!$fp) { $this->ERROR = "POP3 connect: " . _("Error ") . "[$errno] [$errstr]"; unset($this->FP); return false; } socket_set_blocking($fp,-1); $this->update_timer(); $reply = fgets($fp,$this->BUFFER); $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply); if($this->DEBUG) error_log("POP3 SEND [connect: $server] GOT [$reply]",0); if(!$this->is_ok($reply)) { $this->ERROR = "POP3 connect: " . _("Error ") . "[$reply]"; unset($this->FP); return false; } $this->FP = $fp; $this->BANNER = $this->parse_banner($reply); return true; } function user ($user = "") {