Add Linear Gradient


React Native not have added official support to add Linear Gradients. We have different options to add a linear gradient into the React Native app.

In this article we are going to see:

I’m going to show you how to use the Linear Gradient with the LinearGradient component provided by

Installation Installation

Use below command to install the LinearGradient component from expo library.

expo install expo-linear-gradient

After executing the above command you can see something like the below screenshot:

Installing expo-linear-gradient

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Usage Usage

Step 1: Import LinearGradient from expo-linear-gradient.


import { LinearGradient } from 'expo-linear-gradient';

Step 2: Add colors in the colors prop.


        colors={['#7F00FF', '#E100FF']}

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Example Example

import * as React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
import { LinearGradient } from 'expo-linear-gradient';

let LinearGradientDemo = () => {
  return (
        colors={['#7F00FF', '#E100FF']}
            flex: 1,
            alignItems: 'center',
            justifyContent: 'center',
        <Text style={{
            backgroundColor: 'transparent',
            fontSize: 30,
            color: '#fff',
            fontWeight: 'bold',
          Linear Gradient

export default LinearGradientDemo;

NOTE: Here, I have used the <Text> component just for demo purposes. Also added the style param just to look example nice.

You can see the output of above code as below screenshot:

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Explanation Explanation

I have added the LinearGradient as below:

        colors={['#7F00FF', '#E100FF']}
            flex: 1,
            alignItems: 'center',
            justifyContent: 'center',

In colors parameter accept two colors #7F00FF and #E100FF.

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