

Summery Summery

Used to create cache objects

Syntax Syntax


Description Description

This class can be overloaded with SimplePie::set_cache_class(), although the preferred way is to create your own handler via register()

Source Source

File: wp-includes/SimplePie/Cache.php

	 * Cache handler classes
	 * These receive 3 parameters to their constructor, as documented in
	 * {@see register()}
	 * @var array
	protected static $handlers = array(
		'mysql'     => 'SimplePie_Cache_MySQL',
		'memcache'  => 'SimplePie_Cache_Memcache',
		'memcached' => 'SimplePie_Cache_Memcached',
		'redis'     => 'SimplePie_Cache_Redis'

	 * Don't call the constructor. Please.
	private function __construct() { }

	 * Create a new SimplePie_Cache object
	 * @param string $location URL location (scheme is used to determine handler)
	 * @param string $filename Unique identifier for cache object
	 * @param string $extension 'spi' or 'spc'
	 * @return SimplePie_Cache_Base Type of object depends on scheme of `$location`
	public static function get_handler($location, $filename, $extension)
		$type = explode(':', $location, 2);
		$type = $type[0];
		if (!empty(self::$handlers[$type]))
			$class = self::$handlers[$type];
			return new $class($location, $filename, $extension);

		return new SimplePie_Cache_File($location, $filename, $extension);

	 * Create a new SimplePie_Cache object
	 * @deprecated Use {@see get_handler} instead
	public function create($location, $filename, $extension)
		trigger_error('Cache::create() has been replaced with Cache::get_handler(). Switch to the registry system to use this.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
		return self::get_handler($location, $filename, $extension);

	 * Register a handler
	 * @param string $type DSN type to register for
	 * @param string $class Name of handler class. Must implement SimplePie_Cache_Base
	public static function register($type, $class)
		self::$handlers[$type] = $class;

	 * Parse a URL into an array
	 * @param string $url
	 * @return array
	public static function parse_URL($url)
		$params = parse_url($url);
		$params['extras'] = array();
		if (isset($params['query']))
			parse_str($params['query'], $params['extras']);
		return $params;



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