

Summery Summery

Retrieves the embed code for a specific post.

Syntax Syntax

get_post_embed_html( int $width, int $height, int|WP_Post $post = null )

Parameters Parameters


(Required) The width for the response.


(Required) The height for the response.


(Optional) Post ID or object. Default is global $post.

Default value: null

Return Return

(string|false) Embed code on success, false if post doesn't exist.

Source Source

File: wp-includes/embed.php

	if ( ! $post ) {
		return false;

	$embed_url = get_post_embed_url( $post );

	$output = '<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content"><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink( $post ) ) . '">' . get_the_title( $post ) . "</a></blockquote>\n";

	$output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
	$output .= "<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n";
	if ( SCRIPT_DEBUG ) {
		$output .= file_get_contents( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/js/wp-embed.js' );
	} else {
		 * If you're looking at a src version of this file, you'll see an "include"
		 * statement below. This is used by the `npm run build` process to directly
		 * include a minified version of wp-embed.js, instead of using the
		 * file_get_contents() method from above.
		 * If you're looking at a build version of this file, you'll see a string of
		 * minified JavaScript. If you need to debug it, please turn on SCRIPT_DEBUG
		 * and edit wp-embed.js directly.
		$output .= <<<JS
		/*! This file is auto-generated */
		!function(d,l){"use strict";var e=!1,o=!1;if(l.querySelector)if(d.addEventListener)e=!0;if(d.wp=d.wp||{},!d.wp.receiveEmbedMessage)if(d.wp.receiveEmbedMessage=function(e){var;if(t)if(t.secret||t.message||t.value)if(!/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(t.secret)){var r,a,i,s,n,o=l.querySelectorAll('iframe[data-secret="'+t.secret+'"]'),c=l.querySelectorAll('blockquote[data-secret="'+t.secret+'"]');for(r=0;r<c.length;r++)c[r].style.display="none";for(r=0;r<o.length;r++)if(a=o[r],e.source===a.contentWindow){if(a.removeAttribute("style"),"height"===t.message){if(1e3<(i=parseInt(t.value,10)))i=1e3;else if(~~i<200)i=200;a.height=i}if("link"===t.message)if(s=l.createElement("a"),n=l.createElement("a"),s.href=a.getAttribute("src"),n.href=t.value,}}},e)d.addEventListener("message",d.wp.receiveEmbedMessage,!1),l.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",t,!1),d.addEventListener("load",t,!1);function t(){if(!o){o=!0;var e,t,r,a,i=-1!==navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10"),s=!!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv:11\./),n=l.querySelectorAll("iframe.wp-embedded-content");for(t=0;t<n.length;t++){if(!(r=n[t]).getAttribute("data-secret"))a=Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,10),r.src+="#?secret="+a,r.setAttribute("data-secret",a);if(i||s)(e=r.cloneNode(!0)).removeAttribute("security"),r.parentNode.replaceChild(e,r)}}}}(window,document);
	$output .= "\n//--><!]]>";
	$output .= "\n</script>";

	$output .= sprintf(
		'<iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="%1$s" width="%2$d" height="%3$d" title="%4$s" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe>',
		esc_url( $embed_url ),
		absint( $width ),
		absint( $height ),
				/* translators: 1: Post title, 2: Site title. */
				__( '&#8220;%1$s&#8221; &#8212; %2$s' ),
				get_the_title( $post ),
				get_bloginfo( 'name' )

	 * Filters the embed HTML output for a given post.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @param string  $output The default iframe tag to display embedded content.
	 * @param WP_Post $post   Current post object.
	 * @param int     $width  Width of the response.
	 * @param int     $height Height of the response.
	return apply_filters( 'embed_html', $output, $post, $width, $height );

 * Retrieves the oEmbed response data for a given post.


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
4.4.0 Introduced.


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