

Summery Summery

Sets up The Loop with query parameters.

Syntax Syntax

query_posts( array|string $query )

Description Description

Note: This function will completely override the main query and isn’t intended for use by plugins or themes. Its overly-simplistic approach to modifying the main query can be problematic and should be avoided wherever possible. In most cases, there are better, more performant options for modifying the main query such as via the ‘pre_get_posts’ action within WP_Query.

This must not be used within the WordPress Loop.

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Array or string of WP_Query arguments.

Return Return

(WP_Post[]|int[]) Array of post objects or post IDs.

Source Source

File: wp-includes/query.php

function query_posts( $query ) {
	$GLOBALS['wp_query'] = new WP_Query();
	return $GLOBALS['wp_query']->query( $query );


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
1.5.0 Introduced.


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