Summery Summery
Adds the gallery tab back to the tabs array if post has image attachments
Syntax Syntax
Parameters Parameters
- $tabs
Return Return
(array) $tabs with gallery if post has image attachment
Source Source
File: wp-admin/includes/media.php
function update_gallery_tab( $tabs ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) ) { unset( $tabs['gallery'] ); return $tabs; } $post_id = intval( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ); if ( $post_id ) { $attachments = intval( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT count(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'attachment' AND post_status != 'trash' AND post_parent = %d", $post_id ) ) ); } if ( empty( $attachments ) ) { unset( $tabs['gallery'] ); return $tabs; } /* translators: %s: Number of attachments. */ $tabs['gallery'] = sprintf( __( 'Gallery (%s)' ), "<span id='attachments-count'>$attachments</span>" ); return $tabs;
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
2.5.0 | Introduced. |