

Summery Summery

Creates image sub-sizes, adds the new data to the image meta sizes array, and updates the image metadata.

Syntax Syntax

wp_create_image_subsizes( string $file, int $attachment_id )

Description Description

Intended for use after an image is uploaded. Saves/updates the image metadata after each sub-size is created. If there was an error, it is added to the returned image metadata array.

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Full path to the image file.


(Required) Attachment Id to process.

Return Return

(array) The image attachment meta data.

Source Source

File: wp-admin/includes/image.php

function wp_create_image_subsizes( $file, $attachment_id ) {
	$imagesize = @getimagesize( $file );

	if ( empty( $imagesize ) ) {
		// File is not an image.
		return array();

	// Default image meta.
	$image_meta = array(
		'width'  => $imagesize[0],
		'height' => $imagesize[1],
		'file'   => _wp_relative_upload_path( $file ),
		'sizes'  => array(),

	// Fetch additional metadata from EXIF/IPTC.
	$exif_meta = wp_read_image_metadata( $file );

	if ( $exif_meta ) {
		$image_meta['image_meta'] = $exif_meta;

	// Do not scale (large) PNG images. May result in sub-sizes that have greater file size than the original. See #48736.
	if ( 'image/png' !== $imagesize['mime'] ) {

		 * Filters the "BIG image" threshold value.
		 * If the original image width or height is above the threshold, it will be scaled down. The threshold is
		 * used as max width and max height. The scaled down image will be used as the largest available size, including
		 * the `_wp_attached_file` post meta value.
		 * Returning `false` from the filter callback will disable the scaling.
		 * @since 5.3.0
		 * @param int    $threshold     The threshold value in pixels. Default 2560.
		 * @param array  $imagesize     {
		 *     Indexed array of the image width and height in pixels.
		 *     @type int $0 The image width.
		 *     @type int $1 The image height.
		 * }
		 * @param string $file          Full path to the uploaded image file.
		 * @param int    $attachment_id Attachment post ID.
		$threshold = (int) apply_filters( 'big_image_size_threshold', 2560, $imagesize, $file, $attachment_id );

		// If the original image's dimensions are over the threshold,
		// scale the image and use it as the "full" size.
		if ( $threshold && ( $image_meta['width'] > $threshold || $image_meta['height'] > $threshold ) ) {
			$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );

			if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) {
				// This image cannot be edited.
				return $image_meta;

			// Resize the image.
			$resized = $editor->resize( $threshold, $threshold );
			$rotated = null;

			// If there is EXIF data, rotate according to EXIF Orientation.
			if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized ) && is_array( $exif_meta ) ) {
				$resized = $editor->maybe_exif_rotate();
				$rotated = $resized;

			if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized ) ) {
				// Append "-scaled" to the image file name. It will look like "my_image-scaled.jpg".
				// This doesn't affect the sub-sizes names as they are generated from the original image (for best quality).
				$saved = $editor->save( $editor->generate_filename( 'scaled' ) );

				if ( ! is_wp_error( $saved ) ) {
					$image_meta = _wp_image_meta_replace_original( $saved, $file, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

					// If the image was rotated update the stored EXIF data.
					if ( true === $rotated && ! empty( $image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] ) ) {
						$image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] = 1;
				} else {
					// TODO: Log errors.
			} else {
				// TODO: Log errors.
		} elseif ( ! empty( $exif_meta['orientation'] ) && 1 !== (int) $exif_meta['orientation'] ) {
			// Rotate the whole original image if there is EXIF data and "orientation" is not 1.

			$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );

			if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) {
				// This image cannot be edited.
				return $image_meta;

			// Rotate the image.
			$rotated = $editor->maybe_exif_rotate();

			if ( true === $rotated ) {
				// Append `-rotated` to the image file name.
				$saved = $editor->save( $editor->generate_filename( 'rotated' ) );

				if ( ! is_wp_error( $saved ) ) {
					$image_meta = _wp_image_meta_replace_original( $saved, $file, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

					// Update the stored EXIF data.
					if ( ! empty( $image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] ) ) {
						$image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] = 1;
				} else {
					// TODO: Log errors.

	 * Initial save of the new metadata.
	 * At this point the file was uploaded and moved to the uploads directory
	 * but the image sub-sizes haven't been created yet and the `sizes` array is empty.
	wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $image_meta );

	$new_sizes = wp_get_registered_image_subsizes();

	 * Filters the image sizes automatically generated when uploading an image.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 Added the `$image_meta` argument.
	 * @since 5.3.0 Added the `$attachment_id` argument.
	 * @param array $new_sizes     Associative array of image sizes to be created.
	 * @param array $image_meta    The image meta data: width, height, file, sizes, etc.
	 * @param int   $attachment_id The attachment post ID for the image.
	$new_sizes = apply_filters( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', $new_sizes, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

	return _wp_make_subsizes( $new_sizes, $file, $image_meta, $attachment_id );


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
5.3.0 Introduced.


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