Summery Summery
Insert a user into the database.
Syntax Syntax
Description Description
Most of the $userdata
array fields have filters associated with the values. Exceptions are ‘ID’, ‘rich_editing’, ‘syntax_highlighting’, ‘comment_shortcuts’, ‘admin_color’, ‘use_ssl’, ‘user_registered’, ‘user_activation_key’, ‘spam’, and ‘role’. The filters have the prefix ‘pre_user_’ followed by the field name. An example using ‘description’ would have the filter called ‘pre_user_description’ that can be hooked into.
Parameters Parameters
- $userdata
(Required) An array, object, or WP_User object of user data arguments.
- 'ID'
(int) User ID. If supplied, the user will be updated. - 'user_pass'
(string) The plain-text user password. - 'user_login'
(string) The user's login username. - 'user_nicename'
(string) The URL-friendly user name. - 'user_url'
(string) The user URL. - 'user_email'
(string) The user email address. - 'display_name'
(string) The user's display name. Default is the user's username. - 'nickname'
(string) The user's nickname. Default is the user's username. - 'first_name'
(string) The user's first name. For new users, will be used to build the first part of the user's display name if$display_name
is not specified. - 'last_name'
(string) The user's last name. For new users, will be used to build the second part of the user's display name if$display_name
is not specified. - 'description'
(string) The user's biographical description. - 'rich_editing'
(string) Whether to enable the rich-editor for the user. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'true'. - 'syntax_highlighting'
(string) Whether to enable the rich code editor for the user. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'true'. - 'comment_shortcuts'
(string) Whether to enable comment moderation keyboard shortcuts for the user. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'false'. - 'admin_color'
(string) Admin color scheme for the user. Default 'fresh'. - 'use_ssl'
(bool) Whether the user should always access the admin over https. Default false. - 'user_registered'
(string) Date the user registered. Format is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'. - 'user_activation_key'
(string) Password reset key. Default empty. - 'spam'
(bool) Multisite only. Whether the user is marked as spam. Default false. - 'show_admin_bar_front'
(string) Whether to display the Admin Bar for the user on the site's front end. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'true'. - 'role'
(string) User's role. - 'locale'
(string) User's locale. Default empty.
- 'ID'
Return Return
(int|WP_Error) The newly created user's ID or a WP_Error object if the user could not be created.
Source Source
File: wp-includes/user.php
* https. Default false. * @type string $user_registered Date the user registered. Format is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'. * @type string $user_activation_key Password reset key. Default empty. * @type bool $spam Multisite only. Whether the user is marked as spam. * Default false. * @type string $show_admin_bar_front Whether to display the Admin Bar for the user * on the site's front end. Accepts 'true' or 'false' * as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'true'. * @type string $role User's role. * @type string $locale User's locale. Default empty. * } * @return int|WP_Error The newly created user's ID or a WP_Error object if the user could not * be created. */ function wp_insert_user( $userdata ) { global $wpdb; if ( $userdata instanceof stdClass ) { $userdata = get_object_vars( $userdata ); } elseif ( $userdata instanceof WP_User ) { $userdata = $userdata->to_array(); } // Are we updating or creating? if ( ! empty( $userdata['ID'] ) ) { $ID = (int) $userdata['ID']; $update = true; $old_user_data = get_userdata( $ID ); if ( ! $old_user_data ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_user_id', __( 'Invalid user ID.' ) ); } // Hashed in wp_update_user(), plaintext if called directly. $user_pass = ! empty( $userdata['user_pass'] ) ? $userdata['user_pass'] : $old_user_data->user_pass; } else { $update = false; // Hash the password. $user_pass = wp_hash_password( $userdata['user_pass'] ); } $sanitized_user_login = sanitize_user( $userdata['user_login'], true ); /** * Filters a username after it has been sanitized. * * This filter is called before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $sanitized_user_login Username after it has been sanitized. */ $pre_user_login = apply_filters( 'pre_user_login', $sanitized_user_login ); // Remove any non-printable chars from the login string to see if we have ended up with an empty username. $user_login = trim( $pre_user_login ); // user_login must be between 0 and 60 characters. if ( empty( $user_login ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'empty_user_login', __( 'Cannot create a user with an empty login name.' ) ); } elseif ( mb_strlen( $user_login ) > 60 ) { return new WP_Error( 'user_login_too_long', __( 'Username may not be longer than 60 characters.' ) ); } if ( ! $update && username_exists( $user_login ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'existing_user_login', __( 'Sorry, that username already exists!' ) ); } /** * Filters the list of disallowed usernames. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param array $usernames Array of disallowed usernames. */ $illegal_logins = (array) apply_filters( 'illegal_user_logins', array() ); if ( in_array( strtolower( $user_login ), array_map( 'strtolower', $illegal_logins ), true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_username', __( 'Sorry, that username is not allowed.' ) ); } /* * If a nicename is provided, remove unsafe user characters before using it. * Otherwise build a nicename from the user_login. */ if ( ! empty( $userdata['user_nicename'] ) ) { $user_nicename = sanitize_user( $userdata['user_nicename'], true ); if ( mb_strlen( $user_nicename ) > 50 ) { return new WP_Error( 'user_nicename_too_long', __( 'Nicename may not be longer than 50 characters.' ) ); } } else { $user_nicename = mb_substr( $user_login, 0, 50 ); } $user_nicename = sanitize_title( $user_nicename ); /** * Filters a user's nicename before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $user_nicename The user's nicename. */ $user_nicename = apply_filters( 'pre_user_nicename', $user_nicename ); $user_nicename_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename = %s AND user_login != %s LIMIT 1", $user_nicename, $user_login ) ); if ( $user_nicename_check ) { $suffix = 2; while ( $user_nicename_check ) { // user_nicename allows 50 chars. Subtract one for a hyphen, plus the length of the suffix. $base_length = 49 - mb_strlen( $suffix ); $alt_user_nicename = mb_substr( $user_nicename, 0, $base_length ) . "-$suffix"; $user_nicename_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename = %s AND user_login != %s LIMIT 1", $alt_user_nicename, $user_login ) ); $suffix++; } $user_nicename = $alt_user_nicename; } $raw_user_email = empty( $userdata['user_email'] ) ? '' : $userdata['user_email']; /** * Filters a user's email before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $raw_user_email The user's email. */ $user_email = apply_filters( 'pre_user_email', $raw_user_email ); /* * If there is no update, just check for `email_exists`. If there is an update, * check if current email and new email are the same, or not, and check `email_exists` * accordingly. */ if ( ( ! $update || ( ! empty( $old_user_data ) && 0 !== strcasecmp( $user_email, $old_user_data->user_email ) ) ) && ! defined( 'WP_IMPORTING' ) && email_exists( $user_email ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'existing_user_email', __( 'Sorry, that email address is already used!' ) ); } $raw_user_url = empty( $userdata['user_url'] ) ? '' : $userdata['user_url']; /** * Filters a user's URL before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $raw_user_url The user's URL. */ $user_url = apply_filters( 'pre_user_url', $raw_user_url ); $user_registered = empty( $userdata['user_registered'] ) ? gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) : $userdata['user_registered']; $user_activation_key = empty( $userdata['user_activation_key'] ) ? '' : $userdata['user_activation_key']; if ( ! empty( $userdata['spam'] ) && ! is_multisite() ) { return new WP_Error( 'no_spam', __( 'Sorry, marking a user as spam is only supported on Multisite.' ) ); } $spam = empty( $userdata['spam'] ) ? 0 : (bool) $userdata['spam']; // Store values to save in user meta. $meta = array(); $nickname = empty( $userdata['nickname'] ) ? $user_login : $userdata['nickname']; /** * Filters a user's nickname before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $nickname The user's nickname. */ $meta['nickname'] = apply_filters( 'pre_user_nickname', $nickname ); $first_name = empty( $userdata['first_name'] ) ? '' : $userdata['first_name']; /** * Filters a user's first name before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $first_name The user's first name. */ $meta['first_name'] = apply_filters( 'pre_user_first_name', $first_name ); $last_name = empty( $userdata['last_name'] ) ? '' : $userdata['last_name']; /** * Filters a user's last name before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $last_name The user's last name. */ $meta['last_name'] = apply_filters( 'pre_user_last_name', $last_name ); if ( empty( $userdata['display_name'] ) ) { if ( $update ) { $display_name = $user_login; } elseif ( $meta['first_name'] && $meta['last_name'] ) { /* translators: 1: User's first name, 2: Last name. */ $display_name = sprintf( _x( '%1$s %2$s', 'Display name based on first name and last name' ), $meta['first_name'], $meta['last_name'] ); } elseif ( $meta['first_name'] ) { $display_name = $meta['first_name']; } elseif ( $meta['last_name'] ) { $display_name = $meta['last_name']; } else { $display_name = $user_login; } } else { $display_name = $userdata['display_name']; } /** * Filters a user's display name before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $display_name The user's display name. */ $display_name = apply_filters( 'pre_user_display_name', $display_name ); $description = empty( $userdata['description'] ) ? '' : $userdata['description']; /** * Filters a user's description before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $description The user's description. */ $meta['description'] = apply_filters( 'pre_user_description', $description ); $meta['rich_editing'] = empty( $userdata['rich_editing'] ) ? 'true' : $userdata['rich_editing']; $meta['syntax_highlighting'] = empty( $userdata['syntax_highlighting'] ) ? 'true' : $userdata['syntax_highlighting']; $meta['comment_shortcuts'] = empty( $userdata['comment_shortcuts'] ) || 'false' === $userdata['comment_shortcuts'] ? 'false' : 'true'; $admin_color = empty( $userdata['admin_color'] ) ? 'fresh' : $userdata['admin_color']; $meta['admin_color'] = preg_replace( '|[^a-z0-9 _.\-@]|i', '', $admin_color ); $meta['use_ssl'] = empty( $userdata['use_ssl'] ) ? 0 : (bool) $userdata['use_ssl']; $meta['show_admin_bar_front'] = empty( $userdata['show_admin_bar_front'] ) ? 'true' : $userdata['show_admin_bar_front']; $meta['locale'] = isset( $userdata['locale'] ) ? $userdata['locale'] : ''; $compacted = compact( 'user_pass', 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered', 'user_activation_key', 'display_name' ); $data = wp_unslash( $compacted ); if ( ! $update ) { $data = $data + compact( 'user_login' ); } if ( is_multisite() ) { $data = $data + compact( 'spam' ); } /** * Filters user data before the record is created or updated. * * It only includes data in the wp_users table wp_user, not any user metadata. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param array $data { * Values and keys for the user. * * @type string $user_login The user's login. Only included if $update == false * @type string $user_pass The user's password. * @type string $user_email The user's email. * @type string $user_url The user's url. * @type string $user_nicename The user's nice name. Defaults to a URL-safe version of user's login * @type string $display_name The user's display name. * @type string $user_registered MySQL timestamp describing the moment when the user registered. Defaults to * the current UTC timestamp. * } * @param bool $update Whether the user is being updated rather than created. * @param int|null $id ID of the user to be updated, or NULL if the user is being created. */ $data = apply_filters( 'wp_pre_insert_user_data', $data, $update, $update ? (int) $ID : null ); if ( empty( $data ) || ! is_array( $data ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'empty_data', __( 'Not enough data to create this user.' ) ); } if ( $update ) { if ( $user_email !== $old_user_data->user_email || $user_pass !== $old_user_data->user_pass ) { $data['user_activation_key'] = ''; } $wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, $data, compact( 'ID' ) ); $user_id = (int) $ID; } else { $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->users, $data ); $user_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id; } $user = new WP_User( $user_id ); /** * Filters a user's meta values and keys immediately after the user is created or updated * and before any user meta is inserted or updated. * * Does not include contact methods. These are added using `wp_get_user_contact_methods( $user )`. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param array $meta { * Default meta values and keys for the user. * * @type string $nickname The user's nickname. Default is the user's username. * @type string $first_name The user's first name. * @type string $last_name The user's last name. * @type string $description The user's description. * @type string $rich_editing Whether to enable the rich-editor for the user. Default 'true'. * @type string $syntax_highlighting Whether to enable the rich code editor for the user. Default 'true'. * @type string $comment_shortcuts Whether to enable keyboard shortcuts for the user. Default 'false'. * @type string $admin_color The color scheme for a user's admin screen. Default 'fresh'. * @type int|bool $use_ssl Whether to force SSL on the user's admin area. 0|false if SSL * is not forced. * @type string $show_admin_bar_front Whether to show the admin bar on the front end for the user. * Default 'true'. * @type string $locale User's locale. Default empty. * } * @param WP_User $user User object. * @param bool $update Whether the user is being updated rather than created. */ $meta = apply_filters( 'insert_user_meta', $meta, $user, $update ); // Update user meta. foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) { update_user_meta( $user_id, $key, $value ); } foreach ( wp_get_user_contact_methods( $user ) as $key => $value ) { if ( isset( $userdata[ $key ] ) ) { update_user_meta( $user_id, $key, $userdata[ $key ] ); } } if ( isset( $userdata['role'] ) ) { $user->set_role( $userdata['role'] ); } elseif ( ! $update ) { $user->set_role( get_option( 'default_role' ) ); } clean_user_cache( $user_id ); if ( $update ) { /** * Fires immediately after an existing user is updated. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param int $user_id User ID. * @param WP_User $old_user_data Object containing user's data prior to update. */ do_action( 'profile_update', $user_id, $old_user_data ); if ( isset( $userdata['spam'] ) && $userdata['spam'] != $old_user_data->spam ) { if ( 1 == $userdata['spam'] ) { /** * Fires after the user is marked as a SPAM user. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param int $user_id ID of the user marked as SPAM. */ do_action( 'make_spam_user', $user_id ); } else { /** * Fires after the user is marked as a HAM user. Opposite of SPAM. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param int $user_id ID of the user marked as HAM. */ do_action( 'make_ham_user', $user_id ); }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
5.3.0 | The spam field can be passed to $userdata (Multisite only). |
4.7.0 | The user's locale can be passed to $userdata . |
3.6.0 | The aim , jabber , and yim fields were removed as default user contact methods for new installations. See wp_get_user_contact_methods(). |
2.0.0 | Introduced. |