

Summery Summery

Checks whether a site is initialized.

Syntax Syntax

wp_is_site_initialized( int|WP_Site $site_id )

Description Description

A site is considered initialized when its database tables are present.

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Site ID or object.

Return Return

(bool) True if the site is initialized, false otherwise.

Source Source

File: wp-includes/ms-site.php

 * @since 5.1.0
 * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
 * @param int|WP_Site $site_id Site ID or object.
 * @return bool True if the site is initialized, false otherwise.
function wp_is_site_initialized( $site_id ) {
	global $wpdb;

	if ( is_object( $site_id ) ) {
		$site_id = $site_id->blog_id;
	$site_id = (int) $site_id;

	 * Filters the check for whether a site is initialized before the database is accessed.
	 * Returning a non-null value will effectively short-circuit the function, returning
	 * that value instead.
	 * @since 5.1.0
	 * @param bool|null $pre     The value to return instead. Default null
	 *                           to continue with the check.
	 * @param int       $site_id The site ID that is being checked.
	$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_wp_is_site_initialized', null, $site_id );
	if ( null !== $pre ) {
		return (bool) $pre;

	$switch = false;
	if ( get_current_blog_id() !== $site_id ) {
		$switch = true;
		remove_action( 'switch_blog', 'wp_switch_roles_and_user', 1 );
		switch_to_blog( $site_id );

	$suppress = $wpdb->suppress_errors();
	$result   = (bool) $wpdb->get_results( "DESCRIBE {$wpdb->posts}" );
	$wpdb->suppress_errors( $suppress );


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
5.1.0 Introduced.


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