Summery Summery
Sign a file (rather than a string). Uses less memory than ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_sign_detached(), but produces the same result.
Syntax Syntax
Parameters Parameters
- $filePath
(Required) Absolute path to a file on the filesystem
- $secretKey
(Required) Secret signing key
Return Return
(string) Ed25519 signature
Source Source
File: wp-includes/sodium_compat/src/File.php
public static function sign($filePath, $secretKey) { /* Type checks: */ if (!is_string($filePath)) { throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a string, ' . gettype($filePath) . ' given.'); } if (!is_string($secretKey)) { throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a string, ' . gettype($secretKey) . ' given.'); } /* Input validation: */ if (self::strlen($secretKey) !== ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::CRYPTO_SIGN_SECRETKEYBYTES) { throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be CRYPTO_SIGN_SECRETKEYBYTES bytes'); } if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) { return self::sign_core32($filePath, $secretKey); } /** @var int $size */ $size = filesize($filePath); if (!is_int($size)) { throw new SodiumException('Could not obtain the file size'); } /** @var resource $fp */ $fp = fopen($filePath, 'rb'); if (!is_resource($fp)) { throw new SodiumException('Could not open input file for reading'); } /** @var string $az */ $az = hash('sha512', self::substr($secretKey, 0, 32), true); $az[0] = self::intToChr(self::chrToInt($az[0]) & 248); $az[31] = self::intToChr((self::chrToInt($az[31]) & 63) | 64); $hs = hash_init('sha512'); hash_update($hs, self::substr($az, 32, 32)); /** @var resource $hs */ $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size); /** @var string $nonceHash */ $nonceHash = hash_final($hs, true); /** @var string $pk */ $pk = self::substr($secretKey, 32, 32); /** @var string $nonce */ $nonce = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::sc_reduce($nonceHash) . self::substr($nonceHash, 32); /** @var string $sig */ $sig = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::ge_p3_tobytes( ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::ge_scalarmult_base($nonce) ); $hs = hash_init('sha512'); hash_update($hs, self::substr($sig, 0, 32)); hash_update($hs, self::substr($pk, 0, 32)); /** @var resource $hs */ $hs = self::updateHashWithFile($hs, $fp, $size); /** @var string $hramHash */ $hramHash = hash_final($hs, true); /** @var string $hram */ $hram = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::sc_reduce($hramHash); /** @var string $sigAfter */ $sigAfter = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Ed25519::sc_muladd($hram, $az, $nonce); /** @var string $sig */ $sig = self::substr($sig, 0, 32) . self::substr($sigAfter, 0, 32); try { ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::memzero($az); } catch (SodiumException $ex) { $az = null; } fclose($fp); return $sig; }