Summery Summery
Update a hash context with the contents of a file, without loading the entire file into memory.
Syntax Syntax
Parameters Parameters
- $hash
- $fp
- $size
Return Return
(resource|object) Resource on PHP < 7.2, HashContext object on PHP >= 7.2
Source Source
File: wp-includes/sodium_compat/src/File.php
public static function updateHashWithFile($hash, $fp, $size = 0) { /* Type checks: */ if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200) { if (!is_resource($hash)) { throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be a resource, ' . gettype($hash) . ' given.'); } } else { if (!is_object($hash)) { throw new TypeError('Argument 1 must be an object (PHP 7.2+), ' . gettype($hash) . ' given.'); } } if (!is_resource($fp)) { throw new TypeError('Argument 2 must be a resource, ' . gettype($fp) . ' given.'); } if (!is_int($size)) { throw new TypeError('Argument 3 must be an integer, ' . gettype($size) . ' given.'); } /** @var int $originalPosition */ $originalPosition = self::ftell($fp); // Move file pointer to beginning of file fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_SET); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i += self::BUFFER_SIZE) { /** @var string|bool $message */ $message = fread( $fp, ($size - $i) > self::BUFFER_SIZE ? $size - $i : self::BUFFER_SIZE ); if (!is_string($message)) { throw new SodiumException('Unexpected error reading from file.'); } /** @var string $message */ /** @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument */ hash_update($hash, $message); } // Reset file pointer's position fseek($fp, $originalPosition, SEEK_SET); return $hash; }