Check website visual changes of staging vs live website


Are you working on the staging website?

And want to check how it is visually different than the live site?

While checking it page by page mostly we don’t notice the pixels.

There should be some small minor spacing differences between the live vs staging website.


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The difference image which highlight the differences with red color

Then this article is for you.

In this article we are going to see:

Pre Requirements Pre Requirements

Before going further we need two tools:

  1. capture-website-cli
  2. ImageMagick

Both tools are FREE to use.

We’ll install them and use them to see the visual changes of staging vs the live website.

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The capture-website-cli package The capture-website-cli package

The capture-website-cli is an NPM package.

It allows us to generate the website screenshot with the CLI command.

It also gives various options to manipulate, generate the screenshot with website viewport size, add scripts, etc.

You can check all the available customization options of capture-website-cli package.

There are different tools available to generate the screenshots:

But, After trying all, The capture-website-cli fits my requirement.

Install the capture-website-cli Install the capture-website-cli

Use the below command to install the package

npm install --global capture-website-cli

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Syntax of capture-website-cli Syntax of capture-website-cli

Below is the syntax for using the package:

capture-website {Website} {Image}

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Example of capture-website-cli Example of capture-website-cli

Below is an example of using it.

capture-website --output=home.png

See the complete article on installing and using the capture-website-cli with different options.

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The ImageMagick Tool The ImageMagick Tool

ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files.

We are going to use the compare CLI command which is provided by ImageMagick.

You can:

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How to generate a website screenshot How to generate a website screenshot

In this example, I’m using my website

I’m generating images so created a folder to store images as:

Check website visual changes of staging vs live website 2
Empty folder to store images

Note: It’s not required to create a directory. You can generate images anywhere you want.

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Generate a screenshot of the live website Generate a screenshot of the live website

Follow the below steps to generate the screenshot of

Step 1: Open the terminal or command prompt (CMD)

Step 2: Execute the command:

capture-website --output=home.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page

Here, I have used parameters such as:

  • –scale-factor=1 – To generate the normal scale screenshot.
  • –full-page – Generate the full-page screenshot

Read about all capture-website-cli additional parameters


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Execute the command

I have used the --style="style.css" just for the demo purpose. You can avoid it.

You’ll see the home.png image is generated into your fold something as:

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New image generated

By default, the image is generated with a 1024px website width.

We can change the default page width with the –width parameter.

We’ll check about the –width parameter in the below section where we generate the screenshot of the home page for the mobile screen.

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Generate the screenshot of the staging website Generate the screenshot of the staging website

I don’t have the staging site so the above image generated doing changes on

So, I’m using the same website to generate the images after making some changes.

NOTE: For demo purposes, I have just changed a few texts.

Execute the command:

capture-website --output=home-new.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page

Note: Here I just have to change the file name as home-new.png

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Generate image after making changes

We’ll see the 2nd image as:

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Both generated images

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Compare the staging vs live screenshot Compare the staging vs live screenshot

Now we have two images:

  • home.png – Generated before making changes
  • home-new.png – Generated after making small changes

We are going to use the ImageMagick compare command.

To compare the images:

Step 1: Open terminal/command prompt (CMD)

Step 2: Execute compare command as:

magick compare -verbose -metric mae home.png home-new.png home-diff.png

Here, we have added:

  • home.png – The old image
  • home-new.png – The new image
  • home-diff.png – The difference between two images


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Check website visual changes of staging vs live website 16

You’ll see the home-diff.png image as:

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Images with difference

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See the differences between the two images See the differences between the two images

Changes from the first section:

Check website visual changes of staging vs live website 1
1st section changes

Changes from 2nd section:

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2nd section changes

Below are all those generated images:

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Compare the mobile screen changes Compare the mobile screen changes

Below are the commands we execute to generate the screenshot of the website for the mobile viewport:

capture-website --output=home-mobile.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page --width=360

Here, We have:

  • --width – Added parameter with 360 widths to generate the image for the mobile screen.
  • home-mobile.png – Change the image name for the mobile screenshot

Now, We’ll generate the other screenshot and compare them with the same as above:

capture-website --output=home-mobile.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page --width=360
capture-website --output=home-mobile-new.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page --width=360
magick compare -verbose -metric mae home-mobile.png home-mobile-new.png home-mobile-diff.png

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Limitations Limitations

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Manually and Time-consuming Manually and Time-consuming

Not exactly, but we’ll need to generate the screenshots manually for all the pages and for all the screens.


Generate home page + desktop versions as:

capture-website --output=home.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page
capture-website --output=home-new.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page
magick compare -verbose -metric mae home.png home-new.png home-diff.png

Generate home page + mobile versions as:

capture-website --output=about.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page
capture-website --output=about-new.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page
magick compare -verbose -metric mae about.png about-new.png about-diff.png

Generate about page + desktop versions as:

capture-website --output=home-mobile.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page --width=360
capture-website --output=home-mobile-new.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page --width=360
magick compare -verbose -metric mae home-mobile.png home-mobile-new.png home-mobile-diff.png

Generate about page + mobile versions as:

capture-website --output=about-mobile.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page --width=360
capture-website --output=about-mobile-new.png --scale-factor=1 --full-page --width=360
magick compare -verbose -metric mae about-mobile.png about-mobile-new.png about-mobile-diff.png

Here, we have generated 2 desktop and 2 mobile screenshots of home and about.

Which is a bit time-consuming but worth it for a quick check of the difference with pixel perfect.

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Top changes affect bottom sections Top changes affect bottom sections

If we have a lot of spacing changes on the top then we’ll see all those changes for the bottom section in the difference.

We can avoid this by taking a screenshot of sections or specific elements from the webpage.

How to capture the screenshot of one of the sections from the website? How to capture the screenshot of one of the sections from the website?

I have generated the screenshot of the first section of my home page as:

capture-website --output=home-section-intro.png --scale-factor=1 --element=".section-intro"


  • --output=home-section-intro.png – Set the image name as home-section-intro.png
  • --element=".section-intro" – Set the target element to capture screenshots for. I have the CSS class .section-intro to the first section.


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You’ll see the new image as:

Check website visual changes of staging vs live website 15
First section image

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Webpage Timeout Webpage Timeout

Sometimes if webpage loss takes some time then the image may not generate as expected.

To generate the exact image you can use the --timeout parameter.


capture-website --output=home-section-intro.png --scale-factor=1 --element=".section-intro" --timeout=300

Here, I have added the 300 seconds to the timeout. If 300 seconds exceed only then our screenshot does not generate.

If you want to check the visual changes of live vs staging website then this article is for you.

If you want to monitor the visual changes of your website then you may check the website:

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