

Summery Summery

The SimplePie class contains feed level data and options

Syntax Syntax


Description Description

To use SimplePie, create the SimplePie object with no parameters. You can then set configuration options using the provided methods. After setting them, you must initialise the feed using $feed->init(). At that point the object’s methods and properties will be available to you.

Previously, it was possible to pass in the feed URL along with cache options directly into the constructor. This has been removed as of 1.3 as it caused a lot of confusion.

Source Source

File: wp-includes/class-simplepie.php

	 * @var array Stores the default attributes to be stripped by strip_attributes().
	 * @see SimplePie::strip_attributes()
	 * @access private
	public $strip_attributes = array('bgsound', 'class', 'expr', 'id', 'style', 'onclick', 'onerror', 'onfinish', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onfocus', 'onblur', 'lowsrc', 'dynsrc');

	 * @var array Stores the default attributes to add to different tags by add_attributes().
	 * @see SimplePie::add_attributes()
	 * @access private
	public $add_attributes = array('audio' => array('preload' => 'none'), 'iframe' => array('sandbox' => 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'), 'video' => array('preload' => 'none'));

	 * @var array Stores the default tags to be stripped by strip_htmltags().
	 * @see SimplePie::strip_htmltags()
	 * @access private
	public $strip_htmltags = array('base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html', 'iframe', 'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript', 'object', 'param', 'script', 'style');

	 * @var bool Should we throw exceptions, or use the old-style error property?
	 * @access private
	public $enable_exceptions = false;

	 * The SimplePie class contains feed level data and options


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
1.0 Introduced.


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