

Summery Summery

Prepares the list of sites for display.

Syntax Syntax


Source Source

File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php

	public function prepare_items() {
		global $mode, $s, $wpdb;

		if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['mode'] ) ) {
			$mode = 'excerpt' === $_REQUEST['mode'] ? 'excerpt' : 'list';
			set_user_setting( 'sites_list_mode', $mode );
		} else {
			$mode = get_user_setting( 'sites_list_mode', 'list' );

		$per_page = $this->get_items_per_page( 'sites_network_per_page' );

		$pagenum = $this->get_pagenum();

		$s    = isset( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ? wp_unslash( trim( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) : '';
		$wild = '';
		if ( false !== strpos( $s, '*' ) ) {
			$wild = '*';
			$s    = trim( $s, '*' );

		 * If the network is large and a search is not being performed, show only
		 * the latest sites with no paging in order to avoid expensive count queries.
		if ( ! $s && wp_is_large_network() ) {
			if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) ) {
				$_GET['orderby']     = '';
				$_REQUEST['orderby'] = '';
			if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['order'] ) ) {
				$_GET['order']     = 'DESC';
				$_REQUEST['order'] = 'DESC';

		$args = array(
			'number'     => intval( $per_page ),
			'offset'     => intval( ( $pagenum - 1 ) * $per_page ),
			'network_id' => get_current_network_id(),

		if ( empty( $s ) ) {
			// Nothing to do.
		} elseif ( preg_match( '/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $s ) ||
					preg_match( '/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.?$/', $s ) ||
					preg_match( '/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.?$/', $s ) ||
					preg_match( '/^[0-9]{1,3}\.$/', $s ) ) {
			// IPv4 address.
			$sql          = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->registration_log} WHERE {$wpdb->registration_log}.IP LIKE %s", $wpdb->esc_like( $s ) . ( ! empty( $wild ) ? '%' : '' ) );
			$reg_blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $sql );

			if ( $reg_blog_ids ) {
				$args['site__in'] = $reg_blog_ids;
		} elseif ( is_numeric( $s ) && empty( $wild ) ) {
			$args['ID'] = $s;
		} else {
			$args['search'] = $s;

			if ( ! is_subdomain_install() ) {
				$args['search_columns'] = array( 'path' );

		$order_by = isset( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) ? $_REQUEST['orderby'] : '';
		if ( 'registered' === $order_by ) {
			// 'registered' is a valid field name.
		} elseif ( 'lastupdated' === $order_by ) {
			$order_by = 'last_updated';
		} elseif ( 'blogname' === $order_by ) {
			if ( is_subdomain_install() ) {
				$order_by = 'domain';
			} else {
				$order_by = 'path';
		} elseif ( 'blog_id' === $order_by ) {
			$order_by = 'id';
		} elseif ( ! $order_by ) {
			$order_by = false;

		$args['orderby'] = $order_by;

		if ( $order_by ) {
			$args['order'] = ( isset( $_REQUEST['order'] ) && 'DESC' === strtoupper( $_REQUEST['order'] ) ) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';

		if ( wp_is_large_network() ) {
			$args['no_found_rows'] = true;
		} else {
			$args['no_found_rows'] = false;

		// Take into account the role the user has selected.
		$status = isset( $_REQUEST['status'] ) ? wp_unslash( trim( $_REQUEST['status'] ) ) : '';
		if ( in_array( $status, array( 'public', 'archived', 'mature', 'spam', 'deleted' ), true ) ) {
			$args[ $status ] = 1;

		 * Filters the arguments for the site query in the sites list table.
		 * @since 4.6.0
		 * @param array $args An array of get_sites() arguments.
		$args = apply_filters( 'ms_sites_list_table_query_args', $args );

		$_sites = get_sites( $args );
		if ( is_array( $_sites ) ) {
			update_site_cache( $_sites );

			$this->items = array_slice( $_sites, 0, $per_page );

		$total_sites = get_sites(
					'count'  => true,
					'offset' => 0,
					'number' => 0,

				'total_items' => $total_sites,
				'per_page'    => $per_page,


Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.1.0 Introduced.


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