

Syntax Syntax

getid3_id3v2::FrameNameLongLookup( string $framename )

Parameters Parameters



Return Return


Source Source

File: wp-includes/ID3/module.tag.id3v2.php


		return (isset($RVA2ChannelTypeLookup[$index]) ? $RVA2ChannelTypeLookup[$index] : '');

	 * @param string $framename
	 * @return string
	public static function FrameNameLongLookup($framename) {

		$begin = __LINE__;

		/** This is not a comment!

			AENC	Audio encryption
			APIC	Attached picture
			ASPI	Audio seek point index
			BUF	Recommended buffer size
			CNT	Play counter
			COM	Comments
			COMM	Comments
			COMR	Commercial frame
			CRA	Audio encryption
			CRM	Encrypted meta frame
			ENCR	Encryption method registration
			EQU	Equalisation
			EQU2	Equalisation (2)
			EQUA	Equalisation
			ETC	Event timing codes
			ETCO	Event timing codes
			GEO	General encapsulated object
			GEOB	General encapsulated object
			GRID	Group identification registration
			IPL	Involved people list
			IPLS	Involved people list
			LINK	Linked information
			LNK	Linked information
			MCDI	Music CD identifier
			MCI	Music CD Identifier
			MLL	MPEG location lookup table
			MLLT	MPEG location lookup table
			OWNE	Ownership frame
			PCNT	Play counter
			PIC	Attached picture
			POP	Popularimeter
			POPM	Popularimeter
			POSS	Position synchronisation frame
			PRIV	Private frame
			RBUF	Recommended buffer size
			REV	Reverb
			RVA	Relative volume adjustment
			RVA2	Relative volume adjustment (2)
			RVAD	Relative volume adjustment
			RVRB	Reverb
			SEEK	Seek frame
			SIGN	Signature frame
			SLT	Synchronised lyric/text
			STC	Synced tempo codes
			SYLT	Synchronised lyric/text
			SYTC	Synchronised tempo codes
			TAL	Album/Movie/Show title
			TALB	Album/Movie/Show title
			TBP	BPM (Beats Per Minute)
			TBPM	BPM (beats per minute)
			TCM	Composer
			TCMP	Part of a compilation
			TCO	Content type
			TCOM	Composer
			TCON	Content type
			TCOP	Copyright message
			TCP	Part of a compilation
			TCR	Copyright message
			TDA	Date
			TDAT	Date
			TDEN	Encoding time
			TDLY	Playlist delay
			TDOR	Original release time
			TDRC	Recording time
			TDRL	Release time
			TDTG	Tagging time
			TDY	Playlist delay
			TEN	Encoded by
			TENC	Encoded by
			TEXT	Lyricist/Text writer
			TFLT	File type
			TFT	File type
			TIM	Time
			TIME	Time
			TIPL	Involved people list
			TIT1	Content group description
			TIT2	Title/songname/content description
			TIT3	Subtitle/Description refinement
			TKE	Initial key
			TKEY	Initial key
			TLA	Language(s)
			TLAN	Language(s)
			TLE	Length
			TLEN	Length
			TMCL	Musician credits list
			TMED	Media type
			TMOO	Mood
			TMT	Media type
			TOA	Original artist(s)/performer(s)
			TOAL	Original album/movie/show title
			TOF	Original filename
			TOFN	Original filename
			TOL	Original Lyricist(s)/text writer(s)
			TOLY	Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)
			TOPE	Original artist(s)/performer(s)
			TOR	Original release year
			TORY	Original release year
			TOT	Original album/Movie/Show title
			TOWN	File owner/licensee
			TP1	Lead artist(s)/Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)/Performing group
			TP2	Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment
			TP3	Conductor/Performer refinement
			TP4	Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by
			TPA	Part of a set
			TPB	Publisher
			TPE1	Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)
			TPE2	Band/orchestra/accompaniment
			TPE3	Conductor/performer refinement
			TPE4	Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by
			TPOS	Part of a set
			TPRO	Produced notice
			TPUB	Publisher
			TRC	ISRC (International Standard Recording Code)
			TRCK	Track number/Position in set
			TRD	Recording dates
			TRDA	Recording dates
			TRK	Track number/Position in set
			TRSN	Internet radio station name
			TRSO	Internet radio station owner
			TS2	Album-Artist sort order
			TSA	Album sort order
			TSC	Composer sort order
			TSI	Size
			TSIZ	Size
			TSO2	Album-Artist sort order
			TSOA	Album sort order
			TSOC	Composer sort order
			TSOP	Performer sort order
			TSOT	Title sort order
			TSP	Performer sort order
			TSRC	ISRC (international standard recording code)
			TSS	Software/hardware and settings used for encoding
			TSSE	Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding
			TSST	Set subtitle
			TST	Title sort order
			TT1	Content group description
			TT2	Title/Songname/Content description
			TT3	Subtitle/Description refinement
			TXT	Lyricist/text writer
			TXX	User defined text information frame
			TXXX	User defined text information frame
			TYE	Year
			TYER	Year
			UFI	Unique file identifier
			UFID	Unique file identifier
			ULT	Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription
			USER	Terms of use
			USLT	Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription
			WAF	Official audio file webpage
			WAR	Official artist/performer webpage
			WAS	Official audio source webpage
			WCM	Commercial information
			WCOM	Commercial information
			WCOP	Copyright/Legal information
			WCP	Copyright/Legal information
			WOAF	Official audio file webpage
			WOAR	Official artist/performer webpage
			WOAS	Official audio source webpage
			WORS	Official Internet radio station homepage
			WPAY	Payment
			WPB	Publishers official webpage
			WPUB	Publishers official webpage
			WXX	User defined URL link frame
			WXXX	User defined URL link frame
			TFEA	Featured Artist
			TSTU	Recording Studio



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