Summery Summery
Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data: Decryption
Syntax Syntax
Description Description
Algorithm: AES-256-GCM
This mode uses a 64-bit random nonce with a 64-bit counter. IETF mode uses a 96-bit random nonce with a 32-bit counter.
Parameters Parameters
- $ciphertext
(Optional) Encrypted message (with Poly1305 MAC appended)
Default value: ''
- $assocData
(Optional) Authenticated Associated Data (unencrypted)
Default value: ''
- $nonce
(Optional) Number to be used only Once; must be 8 bytes
Default value: ''
- $key
(Optional) Encryption key
Default value: ''
Return Return
(string|bool) The original plaintext message
Source Source
File: wp-includes/sodium_compat/src/Compat.php
public static function crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt( $ciphertext = '', $assocData = '', $nonce = '', $key = '' ) { if (!self::crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available()) { throw new SodiumException('AES-256-GCM is not available'); } ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::declareScalarType($ciphertext, 'string', 1); ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::declareScalarType($assocData, 'string', 2); ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::declareScalarType($nonce, 'string', 3); ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::declareScalarType($key, 'string', 4); /* Input validation: */ if (ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::strlen($nonce) !== self::CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_NPUBBYTES) { throw new SodiumException('Nonce must be CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_NPUBBYTES long'); } if (ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::strlen($key) !== self::CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_KEYBYTES) { throw new SodiumException('Key must be CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_KEYBYTES long'); } if (ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::strlen($ciphertext) < self::CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_ABYTES) { throw new SodiumException('Message must be at least CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_ABYTES long'); } if (!is_callable('openssl_decrypt')) { throw new SodiumException('The OpenSSL extension is not installed, or openssl_decrypt() is not available'); } /** @var string $ctext */ $ctext = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::substr($ciphertext, 0, -self::CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_ABYTES); /** @var string $authTag */ $authTag = ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::substr($ciphertext, -self::CRYPTO_AEAD_AES256GCM_ABYTES, 16); return openssl_decrypt( $ctext, 'aes-256-gcm', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $nonce, $authTag, $assocData ); }