Summery Summery
Update a BLAKE2b hashing context with additional data.
Syntax Syntax
Parameters Parameters
- $ctx
(Required) BLAKE2 hashing context. Generated by crypto_generichash_init(). $ctx is passed by reference and gets updated in-place.
- $message
(Required) The message to append to the existing hash state.
Return Return
Source Source
File: wp-includes/sodium_compat/src/Compat.php
public static function crypto_generichash_update(&$ctx, $message) { /* Type checks: */ ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::declareScalarType($ctx, 'string', 1); ParagonIE_Sodium_Core_Util::declareScalarType($message, 'string', 2); if (self::useNewSodiumAPI()) { sodium_crypto_generichash_update($ctx, $message); return; } if (self::use_fallback('crypto_generichash_update')) { $func = '\\Sodium\\crypto_generichash_update'; $func($ctx, $message); return; } if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) { $ctx = ParagonIE_Sodium_Crypto32::generichash_update($ctx, $message); } else { $ctx = ParagonIE_Sodium_Crypto::generichash_update($ctx, $message); } }