Summery Summery
Powered by ext/mcrypt (and thankfully NOT libmcrypt)
Syntax Syntax
Parameters Parameters
- $bytes
Return Return
Source Source
File: wp-includes/random_compat/random_bytes_mcrypt.php
function random_bytes($bytes) { try { $bytes = RandomCompat_intval($bytes); } catch (TypeError $ex) { throw new TypeError( 'random_bytes(): $bytes must be an integer' ); } if ($bytes < 1) { throw new Error( 'Length must be greater than 0' ); } $buf = @mcrypt_create_iv($bytes, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM); if ( $buf !== false && RandomCompat_strlen($buf) === $bytes ) { /** * Return our random entropy buffer here: */ return $buf; } /** * If we reach here, PHP has failed us. */ throw new Exception( 'Could not gather sufficient random data' ); }